Retirement Planning

Ensure you can enjoy retirement

We’ll guide you through your transition to retirement with a timeline that works for you. We’ll show you how to optimise your super and be prepared for a more enjoyable pace of life.

We’ll work out when you can retire; how much is enough to live on in retirement and what you need to do to make it last. We’ll stress test this against various investment portfolios and withdrawal amounts if required.

This may involve strategies such as reducing debt, looking at Salary Sacrifice and/or Transition to Retirement. We’ll explain why a pension account is one of most tax effective vehicles in Australia.

We’ll also put you in touch with trusted professionals to help with downsizing or selling property, reverse mortgages, using equity to be a guarantor for your kids thus building wealth for your family, minimising tax, exploring retirement village and care options for elderly relatives and planning estates.

Our retirement planning services include:

  • showing you how to work less and have a similar income.
  • calculating how much money is enough for you & how long you need it for.
  • incorporating any Centrelink benefits you are entitled to.
  • diversifying your portfolio and planning for financial storms.
  • protecting your capital.
  • maximising your return.
  • meeting your retirement goals, plan for large expenses.
  • ensuring your assets follow your wishes on your passing.

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Our Services

Manage your money

Together we’ll look at your cashflow management to budget and monitor your spending.

Build your wealth

We’ll work with you to create wealth with tailored strategies that grow your assets.

Protect your assets

It’s important to us that your family’s future is protected.

Work with your super

It’s our goal to simplify superannuation for you by researching your current fund, tracking your lost super and consolidating your funds.

Prepare for retirement

We’ll guide you through your transition to retirement with a timeline that works for you. 

Coach you in retirement

We’ll give you a sense of security around your standard of living and the longevity of your funds in retirement.